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Dreams of Peace & Freedom album now streaming

DoPaF Edinburgh Prod shot 20.jpg

4 Nov 2024

To coincide with the launch of Songs of the People, a year away from the 75th anniversary of the signing of ECHR, the full recording of Dreams of Peace & Freedom is released on all your favourite platforms for the very first time.

This original cast studio recording features Robert Blackmore and  Lily Casson speaking the words of their great-grandparents. Lily is also the lead singer, performing alongside composer Sue Casson who also plays piano on the tracks, accompanied by violinist Mary Young and cellist Fraser Bowles.

Recorded at Lana Banana studios during the pandemic  for the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Trials, the 'beautiful performance' of this multi-platform piece of musical theatre has already won praise for its moving blend of music and history, the purity of singing and quality of mastering.

From 4th November it can be added to your regular playlists on Spotify, Apple, YouTube music and Amazon. Follow the links below:

Dreams of Peace & Freedom available to stream on

Spotify | Apple Music |  YouTube music |  Amazon Music 

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