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Songs of the People Launch

DoPaF Edinburgh Prod shot 20.jpg

30 Dec 2024

To launch Songs of the People, exactly a year ahead of the the 75th anniversary of the signing of the European Convention on Human Rights in November 2025, we have been on the road peddling hope and seeking inspiration, singing to celebrate its protections.

Travelling all the way up the country to Dornoch in Sutherland, which we regard as the source of David Maxwell Fyfe's mythical stream of natural law, as it is where our story of his journey from Nuremberg to Strasbourg begins, we

posted film of each place we stopped online.

We visited places connected to the Convention by their importance in David's story, where larger scale performances of Dreams of Peace & Freedom will be staged next year - as well as Magna Carta charter towns, where that first great charter of freedom is preserved and revered.

You can find a full itinerary with links to press coverage along the way on our launch page.

We finished our tour close to Christmas in London where David lived and worked for nearly 30 years, carolling for peace and freedom under festive lights in and around Westminster. Watch our London launch film here.

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